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Value-oriented corporate development

gfu-consult gmbh

gfu-consult gmbh
Bonner Str. 178
50968 Köln
+49 221 548 1709-0

Goals & Approaches

With us, companies can develop themselves purposefully as a whole system and concretise the values that guide decisions and actions for executives and their employees:

  • Develop a common vision that generates sufficient creative tension between reality and the desirable future of the company
  • Understand the determining laws of complex systems
  • Expose and question mental models in the organisation
  • Create a commitment based on real "enthusiasm"
  • Collaboration based on common goals and a systemic understanding of the business

A company's culture is the key to maintaining and achieving an excellent position in a competitive environment


Our range of services includes objectives and measures shaped by understanding and developed in cooperation with the client in the fields of action:

Guiding principles

Organisational capabilities


  • Development of a shared vision of the future and an action-oriented mission statement
  • Identification of desired characteristics and capabilities for the organisation
  • Identification of obstructive paradigms in the organisation that prevent the achievement of the desired future
  • Development of useful paradigms that shape cooperation within the company and the achievement of objectives
  • Concretisation of values that guide actions and decisions in leadership and conflict behaviour
  • Development of a corporate positioning and thereby a desired external perception

Die gfu-consult gmbh bietet eine strukturierte und methodisch ausgefeilte Plattform, auf der Unternehmen sich zielgerichtet als ganzes System entwickeln und Werte in den Handlungsfeldern der Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter konkretisieren können.